about my work

My designs are inspired by two things: The Great American Northwest and the fornicaters and mastrubaters of that back country. My life has primarily existed inside the borders of the rural northwest – frequently traveling between Northern Idaho and Western Montana; always absorbing the environments that surrounded me physically and mentally. If my work was to be placed in a Venn diagram with Simone Rocha and Tim Savini, it would sit perfectly in the middle. Rocha and Savini are both masters of their respective craft, one just exemplifies an extreme caricature of femininity whilst the other is an extremely campy version of decrepit horror. I am drawn to the concept of femininity and what defines its performance. My interest lies in disentangling a man-made social construct by subverting it with what it was created from. When creating my work, I tend to want it to be perceived in a universalist sense where one can become grounded in the fact that we are all people trying to find a way to get by at each moment. 

about me

I am a designer, cat lover, fan of Las Vegas Raiders fans, and a proud comic sans defender. The only constants in my life have been creating, owning a cat, and living in Idaho simultaneously all at once. My favorite past times are taking long walks on paved sidewalks and falling asleep with the tv still on. My dream is to be a hermit who creates pieces and sees the sunlight once every two weeks.

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